Our inspiration?
Showing you the wonders the world has to offer

LTS is a dynamic Travel Management Company that provides a wide variety of services for Individual travelers, Business Traveler’s and Groups. We provide superior value and authentic cultural experiences, luxury vacations that too in budget.

Our services cover all requirements related to Hotels, Private Coaches and Cars, Museum entrance fees (including reservations to avoid long queues), Private Guides, Restaurants, Entertainment Venues, and a lot more.

Our focus is to offer exclusive understated memorable experiences and above all meticulous attention to all customers. Our team of passionate and caring staff carefully manages every aspect of the trip to ensure the highest quality service and to provide the clients with a comfortable and stress-free travel.

Our Services

We offer a full range of travel management services tailored according to your personal requirements.


Flight Booking

Easier & quicker flight ticket
bookings for business & leisure travel.


Hotel Accommodation

Easy and memorable accommodations in the
world’s most sought-after Hotels


Car Hire / Transfers

Flexible and competitively priced car hire
for unforgettable travel experience


Visa Assistance

Integrated VISA assistance:
consultations, documentation and application


Meet & Assist Services

Pick-up & Serve’ services at the best railway
stations and airports in the world.


Airport Lounges

Travel like a pro! Get the best of services
of internationally acclaimed airports


Local Sightseeing

Amazing local sightseeing and overnight
excursions packages


Travel Insurance

Travel stress-free around the world with
reliable and flexible insurance cover.


24 Hour Emergency

Reliable and accessible services for
optimum customer satisfaction